Fantasy / Fantasy WorldSuggested Production Type

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Look here for music that is suitable for Fantasy film or Fantasy games. Whether it's Dungeons & Dragons music, or music for a Swords & Sorcery type role playing game, where the story perhaps involves Fairies, Wizards and Goblins, rather than ordinary people, this is your area. The music listed in this Suggested Production Type often carries a sense of magic, amazement and discovery. It can be either Light/Beauty oriented or Creepy/Eerie, or even Scary/Battle music, but the music represented here always has that sense of strange worlds and amazing creatures.

A melody of spacious strings & soprano voice quickly descend into darkness & mystery. Fantasy, sci-fi, adventure. Perhaps magic or mysterious intrigues. Amazement, wonderment. [Tempo: Very slow, Slow / 0 BPM]

A light ambient track which is hard to pin down. Somewhere between new age, ambient, classical and film-score type background music, this unique track features light piano and a pulsating rhythm. Light, positive, feelgood, and a bit strange. Playful, quaint and modest. [Tempo: Slow, Medium / 80 BPM]

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Blending organic instrumentation with electronics. The track begins with tranquil ambient textues continually building to an uplifting, driving finale. Majestic, graceful, emotional. [Tempo: Slow, Medium, Fast / 135 BPM]

This unique and imaginative new-classical music track is hard to pin down to a single music genre. Using layers of orchestral strings, it plays and weaves patterns of melodies and textures. Great music for nature, documentary, drama, story-telling, fantasy and more. [Tempo: Slow, Medium / 116 BPM]

A dreamy, warm, heartening and delightful new-classical piece with harp and ambient pads. Beauty, grace, melancholy and tender emotions. Love / Family / Bedtime Music. [Tempo: Slow / 79 BPM]

Native American percussion and flutes playing a ceremonial ancient music. Great music for history documentaries, world heritage and specials. [Tempo: Slow, Medium / 100 BPM]

A slowly rising, epic music track - developing into melodic anthem. Suspenseful, uplifting, orchestral. Amazement / Wonderment music. [Tempo: Slow, Medium, Fast / 145 BPM]

A beautiful, warm and heartening cinematic soundtrack. Contented, loving, fulfilling. Amazement / wonderment. [Tempo: Slow, Medium / 146 BPM]

A cinematic track of beauty, amazement and wonder. Sweeping and romantic. [Tempo: Slow, Medium / 60 BPM]

Adventurous fantasy instrumental with piano, strings and violin. Reminiscent of fantasy epics such as the Lord of The Rings or Game of Thrones. Has a real sense of fantasy and adventure and exploration. Could also work well in modern scenes such as outer space or automotive design and innovation. [Tempo: Slow / 120 BPM]

Felix Mendelssohn - Symphony No. 4, Op. 90. Movement IV. Saltarello. Presto. Arranged and recorded exclusively for [Tempo: Fast, Very fast / 0 BPM]

Elegant orchestral piece, charged with emotion as it slowly rises. Cinematic, reflective, emotive. [Tempo: Slow / 60 BPM]

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  • $48.70

A peaceful, melodic royalty free music track which levitates to a moving conclusion. The string melody in the track gives it the feeling of reflection and growth. As the track draws to an end the orchestra heightens to an amazing finish. [Tempo: Slow, Medium / 120 BPM]

Epic blockbuster type music track, with a powerful bottom end and valiant strings. This track starts slowly and then builds and increases gradually, until returning to the beginning with a sense of reflection. Emotive / Touching / Honorable Music. [Tempo: Slow, Medium / 100 BPM]

An uplifting music to set a tone of joy and wonder. Piano provides consistent, rhythmic impetus amidst interludes of synth chords that inspire awe. [Tempo: Slow, Medium / 88 BPM]

Epic, inspiring and trailer music track made with chamber orchestra, epic choir and drums. Trailer structure. Free flying, soaring, epic, uplifting feel. Touching / Heavenly Music. [Tempo: Slow, Medium / 165 BPM]

An emotive, touching and inspiring music track, made with epic orchestra, choir and more. Slowly rising toward a climax. Rousing / Passionate / Uplifting / Inspirational Music. [Tempo: Very slow, Slow / 60 BPM]

A Percussion Only track, with big pounding drums in various more and less intense patterns. Useful for sound design, film scoring, games and more. [Tempo: Fast, Very fast / 100 BPM]

A musical depiction of nature. Pastoral and peaceful, dynamic and rich in variety. Modest, optimistic and colourful. [Tempo: Slow, Medium / 90 BPM]

A Percussion Only track, with marching snares, military march. Occasional big drum strikes. Useful for scenes of battle, chase, urgency, action. [Tempo: Slow, Medium, Very fast / 95 BPM]

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  • $35.85

Positive, uplifting and inspiring epic music track made with orchestra, epic drums and choir. Structured in three parts. Wonderment / Epic / Orchestral / Grandeur Music. [Tempo: Slow, Medium / 100 BPM]

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A piano driven, smooth music track with ambient synths, guitar mutes, and driving motivating drums. Expressive / Reassuring / Graceful Music. [Tempo: Slow, Medium / 84 BPM]

A slowly building and increasing, tension building music track with orchestra, choir and percussion. This track builds slowly and steadily, always picking up the drama to a higher and higher level. Epic / Rousing Music. [Tempo: Slow, Medium / 80 BPM]

An evolving and building, suspenseful music track, combining hybrid & pulsating synths and symphonic orchestra. Ending as a loud trailer piece, with added organ sound. Awe / Majestic / Incredible Music. [Tempo: Slow, Medium / 120 BPM]

A dark, suspenseful and pensive, ambient track made with various synths, male monk voices and other pad based effects. Suspense / Dark / Apocalyptic. [Tempo: Very slow, Slow / 78 BPM]

An epic, uplifting and emotional music made with a rich, cinematic orchestra, powerful choir and deep cinematic hits. The structure is divided into three main parts for easier editing (intro – triumph – outro) and is suitable for trailers. Heroic / Amazement / Melancholy / Emotive / Soaring. [Tempo: Very slow, Slow / 98 BPM]

Ethereal, somber, building, sorrowful, revealing music. Themes include deep emotional impact, acceptance, isolation, despair, devestation, resignation, the inner cry of the heart. Lead cello, string pad, full orchestra, full choir. Sad / Spiritual / Melancholic Music. [Tempo: Very slow, Slow / 0 BPM]

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A modern, cinematic trailer music track featuring big ambience piano harmony, rising into a huge epic track featuring big orchestral sound combined with ambient synth instruments. Poignant / Heroic / Passionate Music. [Tempo: Slow, Medium / 165 BPM]

A piece of Inspirational music, a soaring soundtrack of glory and drama. Staccato strings and orchestra with a dramatic, regal, valiant music feel. The epic main part has a mixed choir. (Also available without the choir). [Tempo: Medium / 100 BPM]

One in a series of 10 eerie and mystical short cues, where Sci Fi meets Horror meets Dark Fantasy. Deep, disturbing, nightmarish sounds that curl, twist and attack the unsuspecting listener with razor-like precision. These short music cues are modern and visceral, eerie and cold, in the style of modern TV series and films. To find the other 9 pieces in this series, search 'Dream Valley 10 Horror Cues'. [Tempo: Very slow, Slow / 0 BPM]

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A climactic, feel-good hook with a magical, offbeat charm. A pastiche of famous 1980’s movie composers and Hollywood movies. A happy revealing moment bringing tears of laughter and joy. Excited / Wonderment / Joy. [Tempo: Medium / 123 BPM]

This awe-inspiring orchestral soundtrack conveys emotion, beauty and hope. A cinematic piece that would work well for film soundtracks, storytelling and time-lapse footage. Emotional, hopeful and inspiring. [Tempo: Slow / 70 BPM]

Orchestral track in style of Hollywood movies, featuring lively strings, powerful brass and percussion, and interesting chord progression, giving it a mood of amazement and wonder. [Tempo: Slow, Medium / 120 BPM]

Very dark, pulsating music track, with a touch of dystopia and futuristic, warlike atmosphere. Slowing rising, building... [Tempo: Slow, Medium / 95 BPM]

An uplifting, passionate and epic orchestral track. Large percussion hits and string swells with a heroic theme. Darker opening lifts up to a positive and inspiring melody with a big buildup towards the end of the track. Soaring / Heroic / Valiant / Amazing. [Tempo: Slow / 111 BPM]

A beautiful uplifting track with piano lines, orchestral strings, guitars in the background. Starts warm and romantic, gets more dynamic and motivating at 0:40. [Tempo: Medium / 189 BPM]

A futuristic, layered wash opens into a wide blaze of colourful sound. Similar in feel to the Dream Valley Music tracks, Bloom, Black Light, Mass Limit and The Deep Dark. [Tempo: Very slow, Slow / 0 BPM]

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An emotive, rousing and inspirational music, orchestral piece with full orchestra and percussion. The first half is low key and with an aire of melancholy, reflection and perhaps expectation. At about 1:20 the music rises up dramatically, and the same theme is played in a more rousing, triumphant and grand arrangement, with big percussion. This track is great music for trailers, wondrous stories, majestic nature, amazing achievement, tales of grand journeys and fantastic experiences. [Tempo: Medium / 145 BPM]

A rich, lush, melodic ambient music track with wonderment and deep calm. Reflection / Stillness / Mystery / Wonder / Fantasy music. [Tempo: Very slow, Slow / 80 BPM]

Energetic royalty-free orchestral music track with a rising feel and a sense of progression. Uplifting and positive, call to action rising drums with an emotional solo cello melody. Rousing, passionate and large. [Tempo: Slow, Fast / 160 BPM]

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Emotional and moving epic orchestral soundtrack with a hopeful and inspiring feel. Great for fantasy-like adventure, inspiring story-telling, epic travels, romance and much more. [Tempo: Slow, Medium / 120 BPM]

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Harp, piano and cello work together to make this mysterious track come to life. Moments of wonder and magic simulate occasional discoveries. A mix of light and darkness, somewhat neutral; general background. [Tempo: Slow, Medium / 0 BPM]

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One with nature - this track emphasizes beauty and wonderment. Visions of flying high over a cliff, or admiring the wonders of nature. [Tempo: Very slow, Slow / 124 BPM]

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Orchestral hits and numerous rises and falls make this a dramatic track that tells a story. [Tempo: Slow, Medium / 125 BPM]

It's a bright and sunny day with this light and happy cinematic orchestral track. Morning or mid-day in a sweet and innocent setting. Lighthearted / Whimsical / Pretty. [Tempo: Slow, Medium / 66 BPM]

Elegant and mysterious, reflective and contemplative piano music. Suitable as music for drama, storytelling, mystery and intrigue. This understated, cinematic music track has a delicate sense of contemplation. What's hiding underneath? Elegant and classic piano music. [Tempo: Slow / 66 BPM]

Orchestral action / fantasy / victory track. Dramatic, heroic and rousing. Big percussion with orchestral strings, brass, and some subtle hybrid electronics. Grand / Proud / Battle ready. (Stem files available). [Tempo: Medium, Fast / 95 BPM]

A solemn and thoughtful cinematic background piece featuring piano and a haunting, ethnic Duduk. Foreboding, gloomy, thoughtful, contemplative. [Tempo: Very slow, Slow / 54 BPM]

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