Dan MorrisseyArtist

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A sombre, ethereal, ambient piece. Sorrowful, dejected, mournful music. A feeling of finality, of surrender. But also hopeful and full of wonderment towards the end. [Tempo: Very slow, Slow / 112 BPM]

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A slowly swaying guitar rock ballad. Moody, atmospheric, rich and with a blues music feel. Introspection, reflection, contemplation music. Kindness, connection. [Tempo: Very slow, Slow / 60 BPM]

A slow and melancholic guitar ballad. Slight blues music feel. Introspective, thoughtful, reflective. music Warm and caring. Love / Nostalgia / Missing / Lost / Touching. Grows more emotional, passionate as the song progresses. [Tempo: Very slow, Slow / 64 BPM]

After a 20 second intro part, this high-intensity rocker takes off in a blaze of glory. Cool, groovy and uplifting music, this hard rock / prog-rock piece will work great as sports music, action sports, outdoorman / tough guy type productions, outdoor fun adventures, etc. [Tempo: Medium, Fast / 0 BPM]

A hard, edgy and fiery blaze of rock power. Heavy, monstrous and gritty, with a fierce bite and drive. [Tempo: Medium, Fast / 160 BPM]

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Dramatic, tense and mysterious power rock music. Heavy, bombastic and crushing riffs push this tune along. Unstoppably muscular and epically determined. [Tempo: Medium / 148 BPM]

A slow- to mid-tempo, steady alternative rock music with a thoughtful, emotive and poignant feel. Soaring, Driving, Reflective, Ethereal. Great music for road trip, hiking, outdoor adventures and much more. [Tempo: Slow / 74 BPM]

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This musical composition starts off with fragile, longing, reflective and melancholic strings, and gradually builds and grows into a more heartening, hopeful piece with piano and strings. Awakening / New hope / Coming to terms music. [Tempo: Very slow, Slow / 0 BPM]

Slow, spacious, thoughtful, somber, mellow, sensitive, reflective and emotional piano / strings piece. Dreamy, serene, soft, serious, moving, introspective, nostalgic, melancholy with moments of wonder & heartbreak. Would suit cinematic / romantic / documentary / historic type projects. [Tempo: Very slow, Slow / 90 BPM]

Exciting, powerful, thrilling, intense electro-rocker. Raw, gutsy, passionate, fiery, gritty & explosive. Would extreme sports / action / adventure / battle / combat type projects. [Tempo: Fast, Very fast / 162 BPM]

Dark, ominous, haunting, sinister, groovy track with modern hip-hop / ragga style vocal samples. beaty, eerie, motivated, epic and with a sense of foreboding. Glorious, melodic, inspiring, very moody & cinematic. Gradually gets more tense until the final, climactic and dramatic tidal wave where big guitars crash in. [Tempo: Very slow, Slow / 75 BPM]

Spacey, energising, positive, inspiring & driven electronic / orchestral track with great motivating forward momentum. Would suit cinematic / corporate / city scenes / mystery / murder / sports projects. Has a sense of victory and overcoming the odds. [Tempo: Fast, Very fast / 152 BPM]

Slow, beautiful, mellow, tranquil, atmospheric, sedate, somber, sublime and dreamy piano and strings track with an air of nostalgia. Throw away your troubles and float away on a fluffy white cloud into the sunrise, never to return. [Tempo: Very slow, Slow / 66 BPM]

Latin flavoured rock groover with a very Santana-esque vibe. Joyful, lively, motivated, positive, driven, exciting, dramatic and climactic. Lots of lead guitar and percussion. Would suit carnival / thriller / action / dramatic / travel / documentary type projects. [Tempo: Medium, Fast / 190 BPM]

Big, bold, positive & groovy. Beaty, raunchy, fun, driven, dynamic, epically glorious and slightly glammy electro-rock track, with a bluesy feel to it. Irresistable, head-nodding beats mixed with grand, passionate, bombastic guitars and strings. Would suit action / thriller / sports type projects. [Tempo: Medium / 120 BPM]

Beautiful, magical, spacey, calm, dreamy, surreal, hypnotic, trippy, ethereal and peaceful. Ambient pop instrumental, using piano, synths, strings and drums. Floaty momentum which transports you high, above the clouds. This track has an airy, summery feel to it. Would suit mystery / romantic / dramatic projects. [Tempo: Slow / 75 BPM]

Heavy, powerful, brutal, driven, dark, rhythmic and intense, brooding modern rock track. Monster guitars, huge drums and crazed, searing lead work combine to make crushing music suitable for extreme sports / action / thriller / combat / war type projects. Can you handle it? Reminiscent of White Zombie & Helmet. [Tempo: Slow, Medium / 140 BPM]

Gritty, gutsy, intense, lively, raw, aggressive, wicked, heavy, driven and uncompromising modern metal track. A groove that would suit action thriller / extreme sports / motorsports / combat type projects. [Tempo: Fast, Very fast / 138 BPM]

Anthemic, melodic, catchy, gloriously epic, passionate, positive, inspiring modern rock track. Big guitars combine with confident, driven beats to make motivated music that would suit extreme sports / motorsports / action / thriller / dramatic type projects. [Tempo: Medium / 115 BPM]

Adrenalized, fast, insistent, driven, urgent, slammin' rocker with great forward momentum & sense of excitement & victory. Raw, forceful, gritty & powerful. Would suit action thriller / extreme sports / motorsport / combat type projects. Foo Fighters jamming with Queens of the Stone Age? Unstoppable... [Tempo: Fast / 153 BPM]

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Fetermined, fiery, driven, intense, powerful groove-rocker with great sense of excitement & passion. Raw, rebellious, rhythmic, epically grand, explosive, gutsy, suspense-filled, wild & wicked. Would suit adrenalised extreme sports / action / combat / military / cinematic type projects. [Tempo: Medium, Fast, Very fast / 120 BPM]

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Cinematic, brutally crushing, intensely driven, primitively powerful & insanely climactic rock track with tremendous forward momentum & excitement. Would suit action thriller / extreme sports / motorsports / combat type projects. Fast, dramatic, gutsy & monumental. [Tempo: Fast, Very fast / 100 BPM]

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Tuned percussion plays simple lines as fat bass notes wobble underneath. Then, sparse industrial style drums join in with choir. Thoughtful, reflective & contemplative music to suit documentary type projects. Calm, dreamy, tranquil, peaceful & serene. [Tempo: Slow, Medium / 98 BPM]

Creepy, sinister, beautiful, haunting, heavy, spacious, determined, powerful & intense orchestral metal track with an exotic, slightly Eastern flavour and a hypnotic, slow groove. Atmospheric, exotic and calculated. Would suit cinematic / mystery / foreign / drama type projects. Note: Deliberately 'gritty' sound on the piano. [Tempo: Slow / 66 BPM]

Intense, powerful, heavy, determined, explosive, groovy riff-rock track with great forward drive. Wild, hectic, tense, dynamic, aggressive, confident & unstoppable. would suit action / fight / thriller / extreme sports / military type projects. [Tempo: Fast, Very fast / 86 BPM]

Exciting, atmospheric, driven, determined & explosive rock track combining spacious synths, massive drum grooves & huge guitars. Gutsy, confident, climactic, bold, fiery & unstoppable. Would suit action / thriller / adventure / extreme sports / combat type projects. [Tempo: Fast / 154 BPM]

Huge, hefty, confident, determined, intense, powerful rock monster combining massive walls of guitar with relentless groovy drums. Primitive, dynamic, grinding, gutsy, adventurous & bold. Modern rock that would suit extreme sports / action / combat type projects. [Tempo: Slow / 75 BPM]

Dark, heavy, determined, epic, powerful & intense modern metal track with great drive & a sense of foreboding. Scary, threatening, mean, dynamic, gritty, dangerous and gutsy. Would suit action / thriller / horror / combat / extreme sports type projects. Contains huge guitars, bass, drums & strings. [Tempo: Slow, Medium / 88 BPM]

A warm and melodic Light Rock / Pop-Rock track with a memorable main hook. Heartening, sincere, emotional, hopeful. [Tempo: Slow / 76 BPM]

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A moderately upbeat, light rock / pop-rock track with a sense of progress and life force. Positive, but also reflective. Inspiring / Inspirational. [Tempo: Slow, Medium / 67 BPM]

Intense, driven, exciting, adrenalised, thrilling progressive rock track with great urgency & forward momentum. A sound like Dream Theater or Symphony-X with some super heavy riffs and some parts more melodic. Also some use of 7/8ths time signature. [Tempo: Medium, Fast / 113 BPM]

Hefty, powerful, primitive, determined, dynamic, edgy, dangerous heavy rock riff-fest. Loud, aggressive, wicked, mean, raw, gritty & gutsy. Would suit action / thriller / combat / military / extreme sports type projects. [Tempo: Slow, Medium / 78 BPM]

Spacious, ethereal, airy, cinematic, thoughtful & dreamy “ambient rock” style. Plucked strings combine with a steady, hypnotic beat to make mesmerising music that would suit dramatic / mystery / detective / documentary type projects. Emotive, introspective, reflective, serious & repetitive. Float off into the sky. [Tempo: Very slow, Slow / 113 BPM]

A grand, epic, bombastic and regally uplifting stadium rocker with great sense of occasion and glorious, positive vibes. Suspenseful, anticipating, adventurous, motivated & heartening. [Tempo: Medium / 123 BPM]

A dark, ominous, heavy, primitive and intensely powerful metal track. Gradually builds & explodes into brutal riffage & pummeling drum grooves. Fierce, ferocious, menacing, gutsy, edgy & dangerous. Wild and wickedly crushing. [Tempo: Slow, Medium, Fast / 93 BPM]

Glorious, spacious, thrilling, epic, atmospheric, intense, emotional, passionate, dramatic rock track combing a gradually building intro with a slamming, driven beat. Big guitars, big drums, lush strings. loads of tension & excitement. suit sports / travel / adrenaline / discovery / victory based projects. [Tempo: Slow, Medium, Fast / 0 BPM]

Beautiful, soft, serene, sedate, moody, atmospheric, ethereal, magical track using harp arpeggios & simple spacious piano melodies. Dreamy, sublime, tranquil & enchanted. Would suit dramatic / cinematic / romantic / documentary / science / space / discovery type projects. [Tempo: Slow, Medium / 134 BPM]

Gritty, gutsy, heavy, fast, driven, intense, raw, wild & wicked metal track with irresistable energy & force.exciting, aggressive, determined, loud & mean. would suit extreme sports / military / combat / action thriller type projects. [Tempo: Fast, Very fast / 168 BPM]

Soft, slow, dreamy, ethereal, spacious, atmospheric, thoughtful, contemplative, nostalgic, magical, enchanted, sublime, somber, hypnotic pop piece with great sense of time, space & memory-inducing surreality to it. Float away as your thoughts engulf you. [Tempo: Very slow, Slow / 70 BPM]

Soft, magical, dreamy, beautiful, touching, serene, somber, thoughtful & atmospheric mellow piano-pop track with a sense of space and emotion. Reflective & hopeful. Would suit romantic / documentary / dramatic / nostalgic type projects. [Tempo: Slow / 80 BPM]

Dreamy, spacious, ethereal, serene, magical, mellow, cinematic, mysterious, reflective, calm & tranquil pop track with a slight 50's vibe to it. Inspired by the vibe and mood of the film 'the virgin suicides'. Enchanted, floaty & meditative. Would suit dramatic / romantic / filmic / documentary type projects. [Tempo: Slow, Medium / 83 BPM]

Atmospheric, moody, cinematic, ethereal, magical, enchanted music with an exotic world flavour to it. Rhythmic, sublime, sedate, hypnotic, wondrous, dreamy, spacious & beautiful. Would suit nature / documentary / discovery / travel / filmic type projects. [Tempo: Medium / 110 BPM]

Dark, moody, atmospheric, edgy, sinister, gritty, intense, brooding cinematic rock music with a sense of foreboding & explosive danger. Raw, powerful, riff-laden, heavy, suspense-filled, dramatic, tense & gutsy. Would suit extreme sports / action / thriller / war / military type projects. Can you handle it? [Tempo: Slow, Fast / 83 BPM]

Dark, powerful, moody, grand, regal, cinematic, serene, spacious, sedate, dreamy, elegant, reflective, thoughtful, modern orchestral piece with a hints of Thomas Newman to it. Sublime, beautiful, graceful, sad, serious & melancholic. Would suit dramatic / romantic / historic / military type projects. [Tempo: Very slow, Slow / 65 BPM]

Moody, confident, positive, light, groovy, spacious, dreamy, thought-provoking & atmospheric ambient electronic track. Synth pads combine with simple piano lines & drum loops to make music suitable for corporate / science / discovery / documentary / space / projects. Soft & airy with plenty of space for talkovers. [Tempo: Medium / 100 BPM]

Simple, light, fun, vibrant, innocent, mischievous, amusing & groovy track but also with a sense of levity, gossip, wagging tongues, twitching curtains & general skullduggery. Contains glockenspiel & wood blocks. [Tempo: Medium / 134 BPM]

Soft, slow, serene, beautiful, mellow, meaningful & touching track combining simple, somber piano lines with strings & a gentle groove. dreamy, serious, reflective, thoughtful & sedate. would suit dramatic / romantic / documentary / cinematic type projects. [Tempo: Slow / 95 BPM]

Amped, heavy, edgy, thrilling, dangerous & intense groove-metal track with incredible drive & power. Bold, adventurous, determined, confident, mean, energized, relentless, crushing & fiery. Would suit action thriller / extreme sports / military type projects. [Tempo: Fast / 130 BPM]

Dark, intense, mean, powerful, driven, passionate, hard-hitting, no nonsense rocker with great tension & momentum. Loud, confident, exciting, primitive, dangerous, wild, wicked, relentless & fiery. Would suit action thriller / extreme sports / military / combat type projects. [Tempo: Fast / 150 BPM]

Melodic, beautiful, heartwarming, exciting, emotional, groovy rock track with a feelgood factor. Catchy, bouncy and with great positive child-like energy. Would suit dramatic / documentary / cinematic / romantic type projects. [Tempo: Slow / 129 BPM]

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